Cancellation Policy

We may be unable to accept some orders and must cancel them. For whatever reason, has the right to refuse or cancel any order.

Unavailability of goods or quantity ordered by You; non-availability of service; inaccuracies or mistakes in pricing information; or difficulties discovered by topAutocare credit and fraud avoidance may result in the cancellation of Your purchase.

If your order is cancelled in whole or in part, or if further information is needed to accept your purchase, we will notify you. As soon as you cancel your order, the money will be refunded to your account.

Cancellation by the User: maintains the right to accept or refuse cancellation requests for any reason.

Orders that have not yet been processed or authorised by us will be cancelled as part of our normal business procedure and refunded to you within a fair timeframe.

Orders that have already been processed will not be able to be cancelled. decision to cancel or refuse to cancel an order shall be final and binding on the user and shall not be subject to appeal.